Kelelawar Hitam dari Soppeng Modified

Kelelawar Hitam dari Soppeng Modified

Kelelawar Hitam dari Soppeng Modified
Muhammad Jafar developed the concept of night riders (Night Riders) for his motor. That makes jafar motor into the motor with different trends and styles.

Especially on the bike tank similar to Batman's head model or a bat. Understandably, the man born Soppeng condom provides a touch tank wrapped with an ear of Voxion.
To see the changes Jafar Bro-owned motor as a whole, we spied a little yuk ... On the rim, Bro Jafar prefer to use the rim of the type of RGF, combined with the Swallow brand tires size 120/80 on the front and 130/70 at the rear with a circle at 17.
Data pemilik
* Nama: Muhammad Jafar
* Panggilan: Bro Jafar
* Lahir: Soppeng, 18 September 1981
* Alamat: Tanrajeng, Kecamatan Mariori Wawo, Kab Soppeng
* Hobi: Fotography
* Klub: Suzuki Thunder Innovation Club (STIC)
* Bengkel: Tedy, Jl Landak, Makassar
Data Modifikasi
* Motor: Thunder 125
* Modifikasi: Tangki variasi dengan penambahahan bodi belakang dari Tiger.
* Konsep: Night Riders
* Biaya: Rp 6 juta
- Pelek RGF
- Ban depan: Swallow 120/80 (17)
- Ban belakang: Swallow 130/70 (17)
- Penutup lumpur: custom
- swing arm:
- Batok depan: Trail
- Tangki: Kondom
- Kuping tangki: Vixion
- Knalpot: Yoshimura
- Shockbraiker: Monoshok milik Satria
- Stir: Trail
- Spion: variasi
- Bodi belakang: Tiger
- Spatbor belakang: Custom
- Spatbor depan: Custom
- Cakram belakang: Nissin
- Behel: Revo